Parking space occupancy
detection system
The NODER Parking occupancy detection system is based on ultrasonic sensors integrated with RGB LEDs and IP controllers. The sensors, which are mounted above each parking space, allow the presence of a specific vehicle to be unambiguously detected, as well as real-time information on the status of a specific parking space (free, occupied, reserved for guests, disabled, etc.) to be displayed directly on the sensor and to the owner or operator of the car park via the visualisation system. A sample car park map is shown in the graphic below.

Parking space is not occupied.
1 of 8Parking space is occupied.
2 of 8Parking space is reserved for disabled and is not occupied.
3 of 8Parking space is reserved for guest (or any purposes) and is not occupied.
4 of 8 sensors controller iconThe interactive icon shows the current status of the sensor controller connected to the parking visualisation and management system.
5 of 8 sensor line no. 1 iconThe interactive icon shows the current status of the RS485 lines of the sensors connected to the sensors controller.
6 of 8 sensor line no. 2 iconThe interactive icon shows the current status of the RS485 lines of the sensors connected to the sensors controller.
7 of 8 sensor line no. 3 iconThe interactive icon shows the current status of the RS485 lines of the sensors connected to the sensors controller.
8 of 8Characteristic
The sensor uses ultrasonic technology to detect the status of a parking space and then controls the LED accordingly to display the correct colour and inform the driver where the free parking space is located. The hubs connecting the sensors have four independent RS-485 communication buses and the controller allows data exchange with the sensors directly from the management system via TCP/IP protocol.

- Permanent blue marking of disabled spaces
- Display of the number of free spaces on RGB LED panels
- Display of the number of free and occupied parking spaces and parking space occupancy statistics in the management software
- Any content can be assigned to the LED display
- Automatic display of pre-defined alarm messages on all LED displays
- Integration of an external visitor management system (e.g. After Rest API)
- Blocking of parking spaces (e.g. on a schedule or for a certain period of time) and alerting security if a vehicle is parked there
Integration of
NODER Parking and NODER Access Control systems
This enables, among other things
- At the entrance to the car park, the LDO-1 LED display number of the parking space reserved for the access control user and recognised by the LPR video analysis.
- Display the number of available parking spaces / available for a specific company or group of authorisations from the access control system.
- Blocking access to the car park when the number of vehicles for a given company or group of authorisations has been reached and send to the LED displays information of this fact so that no further vehicles can enter.
We have prepared battery capacity selection form
Calculate the current requirements of the individual system components and select the appropriate batteries for the designed NODER parking system.