Access control for

Museums operate managing a high volume of visitors daily. Unauthorized entries and security breaches presents management with the challenge of balancing public accessibility with the responsibility of ensuring the safety and security of staff, museum exhibits and visitors.

Strict controls need to be implemented in restricted areas such as storage rooms, conservation labs, and administrative offices. Visitor access should be limited to designated areas and times, sensitive data must be protected, and museum regulations must be adhered to, all without compromising the quality of service

Key features

NODER end-to-end encryption

End-to-end encryption

Encryption at every stage of data transmission, ensuring the highest levels of security.

NODER two-factor authentication

Two factor authentication

Additional confirmation of access by another person or your PIN/biometrics.

Guard Route

Manage and report on patrols using NODER access control for museums

NODER live event viewers with cctv footage

live events viewer​

All events, including alarms, are monitored and displayed live to security operators.

NODER access control with anti-passback


Prevent successive entries by multiple people with the same credentials.

NODER sluice logic

sluice logic

Interlocking doors to rooms of particular importance for cleanliness and disinfection.

flexible and easily expandable thanks to



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Access control for museums NODER
MNK The Arsenal, Cracow
Zygmunt Put, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

MNK The Arsenal Museum, Cracow

The City Arsenal houses the Gallery of Ancient Art, of Greek, Egyptian, Etruscan and Roman culture. Objects dating from the 3rd millennium BC to the 4th century AD have been collected and include Egyptian sarcophagi including a mummy, Etruscan tombs and numerous sculptures.

Access control for museums NODER
MNK Czartoryski Museum, Cracow
Zygmunt Put, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

MNK Czartoryski Museum, CRACOW

One of the oldest museums in Poland, a branch of the National Museum in Krakow established in 1878. It houses a collection of national memorabilia and works of art, such as Leonardo da Vinci’s Lady with an Ermine and Rembrandt’s Landscape with a Merciful Samaritan.

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